Monday 3 November 2014

Who's birthday is on Thursday?

We have heard from fans and read a tweet from that it will be Luke Allen-Gale's birthday on Thursday!

We would like fans to wish him a Happy Birthday. To answer the questions of a few fans, you can post Happy Birthday images (Please keep them appropriate) such as online cards, fanarts or even just simple images found on Google. It's the thought that counts and I am sure Luke would be very grateful to what you would send to him.

If you want to send him your wishes during the Tweetout. We politely ask fans to please include the hashtag #Dominion to help trend the show. Such as sending a tweet like these for example:

@LukeAllenGale Happy Birthday Luke! #Dominion


Happy Birthday @LukeAllenGale #Dominion.

Aside from catching the attention for the show to more potential viewers. We also want Dominion to trend to support actors such as Luke, all of their hard work they put into making the show as brilliant as it is.

Sunday 2 November 2014

Episode 2 Tweetout and a warm welcome from the Domionion_UK Team


Hi everyone! Just to give you a quick update about the Tweetout next Thursday. We will have not one, but a two hour tweetout with fellow fans and the cast!

We ask that fans to please use the #Dominion hashtag during these two hours so we can try and get our much loved show to trend on Twitter. We want you all to meet people who share the same love you have for the show too! Even make some new friends!

In addition, we have written a very special message to each and every one of you, welcoming you to the huge international fandom of Dominion.